PDF Export

The following is a list of the tags that the user can put inside a template for HTML and PDF export presets.


tag: bintable

syntax: [#bintable]


Produces a table showing the content of the bin, using the layout of the preset.


tag: list

syntax: [#list,colname_1,colname_2,...,**colname_N,...]


similar to [#bintable], but the columns to be listed are specified in the tag itself. If a column name is preceded by *, that column will be used as ordering column. ** will order descending.


tag: filterby

syntax: [#filterby,colname_1,colname_2,...,**colname_N,...]


similar to [#list], but the first column of the list is used as a filter: those entries that don't have a value in that column are skipped.

It is possible to repeat the filter column in the list, which will result in moving it.

For example: [#filterby,Start,Name,Tape,Start] (notice that Start is repeated) will result in a table that is filtered by "Start", but the order of the columns will be "Name,Tape,Start"


tag: count

syntax: [#count,&colname_1,colname_2,...,*colnameN,...]


similar to [#list], but the columns preceded by & are used to group entries. The remaining columns are populated with the SUM of the values of the entries in the same group.


tag: sumover

syntax: [#sumover,colname]


prints the SUM of the values in the given column. When applied to strings, this is a concatenation.


tag: logo

syntax: [#logo]


prints the path of the preset logo


tag: systemlogo

syntax: [#systemlogo]


prints the path of the Altera logo


tag: cinedevlogo

syntax: [#cinedevlogo]


prints the path of the cinedev logo


tag: presetstyle

syntax: [#presetstyle]


prints the path of the preset CSS to be linked


tag: clipsnumber

syntax: [#clipsnumber]


prints the number of entries in the table