7. Produce Reports

The Produce Reports tool is used to create HTML or PDF reports based on the data held in any loaded Bins. 

Note: You must load the Bins prior to using this tool.

In the Bins pane, you can see the previously loaded Bins. Each bin is selectable by checking the tick boxes to the left of each Bin.

You will see that the Presets pane is currently empty. This is where the preset is added for export. At the top right of this pane are 2 icons, one to create a new Group and one to create a new preset. 

The New Group icon:

will create a new, empty group in the Presets pane

The Preset Editor icon:

will open the Preset Editor

7.1 The Preset Editor

The Preset Editor is where the report layout and file type are set. It is laid out in the following way:

Preset Name The name of the preset goes here
Output File Name The file name of the report goes here ([#presetname]/<@binname>) (see below)
Base Path Leave this empty for a manual selection. If you wish to choose a path to the preset, click the text box, and navigate to the relevant folder
Preset Format The report can be generated in either PDF (Adobe Acrobat) or HTML. Please note if you choose HTML as the output file type, the Orientation and Page Fit options are no longer available 
Layout Select which layout is to be used, either Default or Bin Columns
HTML Template If there is already an HTML template that is to be used, click, and navigate to the relevant HTML file. If not, leave the selection as Default
CSS If there is already a CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) template that is to be used, click, and navigate to the relevant CSS file. If not, leave the selection as Default
Movie Logo If there is a logo for the Movie you are working on, you can select it here
Orientation Select a vertical or horizontal layout for the report
Page Fit

Fit the report to a page. The selections are: Horizontal, Vertical, Both or None

When the required data has been inputted into the Preset Editor, click the Create button, and the preset will be saved into the Preset pane. To generate a report, make sure the Bin is selected in the Bins pane, and that the preset is selected in the Preset pane. Click the Report button, and depending on the format that was chosen, the report will be generated.

Output Filename

The output filename can be either a name that the end user chooses, or one made up of Project Metadata and Bin Metadata. To create a project name made up of project and bin metadata, use the # key for project metadata and the @ key for bin metadata.

Depending on the files the user has already opened, the project metadata list will look something like:

Depending on the files the user has already opened, the bin metadata list will look something like: